Thursday, April 14, 2011

Believe it. Achieve it!

What does the following quote mean to you?  “Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into.” – Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

There are many individual answers for such a question, but hopefully it made you stop and think.  For me, I know my answer… it’s my mantra.  I say (& forgive me I don’t know who said it), “if it’s to be, it’s up to me.”  I know this and my family has set goals to make things happen.  And now I want you to set goals too.

Yep, time to set goals.  Maybe it’s a goal for advancement in your business; maybe there is a goal with an increase in commission - to pay for manicure/pedicure, or your child’s extra-curricular activity, or cleaning fairies; maybe it’s to lose weight, read more, or volunteer.  Goal writing is personal based on your desire & dreams.  When you know your goal, put in writing (or on your Vision Board) and tweak it.

There is a lot more to talk (blog) about for Goal Writing & Vision Boards, but here are four steps to get you started with the current goal(s) you’ve already stated. 
  • Step 1) Write out a Clear Statement of the Goal
  • Step 2) Write out an Outline of the Plan to attain the Goal – Perhaps it is the hours/days you’ll exercise or the number of products you need to sell or… the list is unlimited.
  • Step 3) Set Time Limits – How long until you acquire/meet the goal?  Do you need to break down you Outline into smaller time chunks. (I.e.: x recruits, x $sales for the week, x pounds loss, x days going to the gym...)
  • Step 4) Review what you have written daily, repeat the goal, and remind yourself of the *why* you are setting out for that goal in the first place.  (I.e.: Being Healthy, More Family Time, Allowing Child to do Sport, Vacation...
Whatever your goal, keep your eye on the prize. You will achieve it.  I believe in  you and you know, I'm always cheering you on!  --Danielle

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