aka: Sending Out Cards in Your Business Makes a Difference

This lesson is targeted to business sending cards to increase name recognition, customer retention, and increased sales by returning to the basics of card sending and showing appreciation. Our CardsAndMohr team shoots for their initial goals in 90 days – there is a deadline for their goals, it is long enough to attain them and short enough to surpass them. But despite your business – direct sales or small business owner, set your goals & intentions, your due date and shoot for the moon.
Set Your Intentions – You may wonder why I said “Intentions” and not “Goals.” The two are very similar, and yet they are different because Intentions are all about what you can control. If you will set your intentions around action steps that you commit to taking, you will get results! For our SOC team (and you personalize, revise the following for your business), here are some ideas of intentions you might set:
- Call X number of people each day to introduce your business – you don’t need to ask them to buy or try, just let them know you have a business in case they might know of anyone who could use your service/products or who might be looking for a second income. Then as they desire more, find out how to best get information to them. For SOC distributors, allow your contact to send a card - walk them through sending a card. (Did you know 1 in every 4 people who send a card sign up? What if you showed the card system to 10 people a week?
- Follow up with those who you introduced your business to, and get some feedback. Send them a thank you card for trying the service. As their gift accounts expire, follow-up to let them know and see where they are with using the system; offer to extend the gift account’s life.
- I go back & forth whether to tell you to do the following… And I’m writing it, so it is important. Attend one Networking event each week or every other week. Networking is great and has it role, but don’t over-due it. Networking is about the relationships! I’m going to do business or refer business when I have trust with the other party. You do NOT need to network to have a successful Send Out Cards business – look at how many people you already know that may not know about your new business. Share the service with other business owners who need to keep in touch with their customers. Send Out Cards IS appreciation marketing!
Do you know your WHY? Make it clear and review it – As SOC’s CEO Kody Bateman asks, “What is your WHY that makes you cry?” Your WHY (reason(s) you are doing the business) must be your motivator so you follow through on your set intentions… especially if the last few people you talked to told you “no.” We’ve have heard “no” many times regarding our business and it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t knock us down because we are focused on our WHY.
Take action! Rome was not built in a day – and the only difference between you and the leaders in your business is time… and it is probably a difference in years. We loved reading Adam Packard’s book, Stay the Course and recommend it to each of our new distributors. Adam’s lessons may seems basic and things that we *should* know, but just needed to be reminded. You’ll have to read it (or I’ll try & do a review another time), but one take away lesson is to take some kind of action in your business daily. It needs to be a “pay” event (I know another blog entry). A “pay” event is an income producing action – it is not making copies. Share SOC’s service for sending cards & gifts; talk to new customers and introduce your opportunity and products/services. SOC has action steps and plan – it’s called our Daily 8. J I use it and Jordan, Adam, Jules, David, and all the distributors climbing the ladder follow it. If you give me a plan, AND give me something I can duplicate, I will be successful.
DeMarr Zimmerman talked about it best when he share that (I’m paraphrasing) ‘Obstacles are sure to show up along your journey, and these are only there to make you stronger and separate the serious from the tire kickers. Which are you?” Or we shared that nobody crossed the mountain without stepping over the stones.
Shoot for the moon – we are your biggest cheerleader. --Danielle
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