What a weekend! And it took a bit to catch back up. J Sorry for the tardy blogs this week, but at least you know I’m writing from the heart based on our events and your feedback. May 6-7-8, 2011 could not have been filled with more fun, family and blessings.
Friday, we celebrated our middle son turning six years old. Saturday, we celebrate our oldest son’s First Holy Communion. And of course, Sunday was Mother’s Day! We were blessed to have both my mom and Tim’s mom in town for these festivities. It was nice to celebrate Mother’s Day with everyone in person.
I have to tell you, it’s been years since Tim’s or my First Communion and the memories came flooding back. Our moms brought photos from those two days and kids, names, and celebration memories were shared. The boys loved the old photos and our families’ attire from the early 1980s. They giggled as they asked “why does Uncle Mike look like a Bee Gee?” Of course, they have no idea who the Bee Gees were, but heard the quote from a movie.
This year’s First Communion class was special to me. Yes, our son was making his First Communion, but it was also my second year of teaching many of these kiddos for Faith Formation (aka: CCD). Yes, they’ve grown since we first met in first grade; however, I feel like they just grew into little adults these past nine months. And then there was the fast-forward imagination and tear as you watched these kiddos walk down the aisle in their suits and white dresses with veils.
Are you living in the now? Are you living in the now with your thought or actions? Or are you waiting til ‘someday?” Someday is not promised, nor does the word exist in the dictionary. Having your own business isn’t going to magically change things within the first day… the first month; however, if you put the time into it, you’ll see changes easily within the first year. I speak from experience… it’s all about the Law of Averages (and that we’ll save for another blog on another day).
Whatever business you are in… or are starting… start now and start w/ realistic goals and measures for success – perhaps it’s extra income to pay for your child’s sports or dance, extra income for a housekeeper or car payment… or perhaps, replace your j-o-b. Anything is possible. Find your dream, state your goals and take action. Always cheering you on as you shoot for the moon - Danielle
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