Goal Setting – it’s something we all want to do, but sometimes don’t know how to get started. Take a moment to write your goals you want to achieve… make a list…. business, personal, family or financial goals. When you have a list, prioritize your goals – more than one item can be #1. But after you have prioritized the goals, the next step is a bit tougher. Why are these goals so important? If you achieve these goals, what does it mean to you? To your family? There is probably more than one answer to that question.
So, how to begin – just think “SMARTER.”
- S=Specific
- M=Measurable
- A=Action oriented
- R=Realistic
- T=Time deadline
- E=Excuses
- R= Reward
The first step, write SPECIFIC goals – if you give clarity to your goal, you give clarity to your mind, your partner/family and know what is expected.
Make your goals MEASUREABLE – if you don’t measure the goal, it is only an intention. Perhaps your measure is in weight (pounds), finances (manicure or car payment), or time.
There are steps that will help your goal be ACTION oriented. How are others energized by your goal? These others don’t need to know where you are heading; however, you need to. I totally believe in an Accountability Partner, so if you don’t have one – get one. J This could be someone to check in with for miles walked, a meet-up at the gym, phone calls or meetings – anything, but we seem to follow-thru when we are accountable to someone other than just ourselves.
All goals are achievable. And we are a “Shoot for the Moon” family, but in all the goals we’ve created, we always make them REALISTIC. Look at your goals, say them aloud and attain them – stating you want to make $500/month is realistic and achievable to pay for your car payment. Your subconscious will support this statement & goal more than if you shoot for $1M this month before you hit the other realistic goals. Given the TIME deadline & your resources, are you likely to reach this – keep your goal high enough to stretch, but realistic to obtain.
Speaking of TIME deadlines, do you have a specific date to complete or earn the goal? You can also break the goal down into steps or smaller accomplishments to gauge progress. Members of our CardsAndMohr team do this – whether than have been with us for a week or a year. Some of our business goals are now goals for our team. We love coaching others to success.
Now for EXCUSES, get rid of them! You are the only one standing in front of your success.
And finally, remember to REWARD yourself and your family, after-all your partner & family have been supportive in achieving these goals.
Remember just as you have the goals and action items, you must do just that…. take action every day. For those of us in SendOutCards, it is as easy as sending a heart-felt card a day, a gift a week or doing a gift-account walk-thru in person, phone or Skype session. And while you are taking action, keep yourself accountable. As mentioned, use an accountability partner or journal about your activities or keep a scorecard. SendOutCard has a great scorecard called the “Daily 8” and it a great reminder for my action items & keeps our eye on the prize (goal).
Finally, with all this talk of scorecards, goals, etc… Sign Your Name… Yep, sign on the dotted line below your goals. Make a commitment to your goal, your business, your family, and your future. Now shoot for the moon – we are here to help along the way… consider us your Success Coach. Sincerely, Danielle & Tim
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