While we all judge our succes differently, we all have goals. (Refer that that Blog entry.) Look at the position in your company, look at the volume or sales.... How are you working your business? Are you treating it like a business or are you treating it like a hobby? You will paid appropriately.
Whatever your goals, what would happen if you doubled your efforts? What if you sent 2 cards a day vs. one, what if you sent 2 gifts a week vs. one... what if you did double the gift-account walk-thrus..? How would your business be different? We all have motivation. If a child was sick and you needed $ money, you'd work your business differently to achieve it... How can you use that same idea of motivation for goals to reach those you've set?
We've challenged ourselves and I challenge you to see what you can do for your business within the next three months... yep, 90 days! How can you double your efforts to double your rewards?
We are here! Yes, we cheer you on; however, we are here to coach, brainstorm and help you achieve your goals as you shoot for the moon.
All our best,
Know yourself and exactly what you want and expect out of your business. So many people enter into business and spend years in that business environment without having any idea of what they want, or what is possible to get out of their business.