Friday, September 16, 2011

30 Minutes for Progress

Although the photo for this blog seems to be referencing physical activity, I want you to think about taking 30 minutes each day for you.  It doesn't have to be the same task or activity.  Take 30 minutes today (yet) or start tomorrow and do something "better" in your life.  Take 30 minutes and make progress towards something.

Think about how powerful 30 minutes will be over one month?  When you add up the 30 minute "investments" for thirty days, that is 900 minutes... that is 15 hours of progress.

And 15 hours of progress is better than 15 hours of regret... or 15 hours of not doing anything. Maybe your 30 minutes is physical activity/exercises, maybe it's meditation or time to journal, maybe it's time to read a couple chapters of a personal development book, etc.

What area(s) in your life are you going to tackle in 30 minutes blocks.  It's a retorical question, but if you want to share - we'd love to hear about it below in the comments or in a email message.

Cheering you on.... because what is 15 hours for one month, will soon be approximately 19 days of progress in one year.  That is nineteen more days of progress than you had last year.

Thirty minutes a day changed our lives!  We are cheering you on!  --Danielle & Tim

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