Have you fallen behind in business? Have you started out slower than you wanted? Take a quick peek at my morning video and do'two a day' to see a change in your business.... two a day will set your year up for fantastic opportunities.
Now, off to the gym!
Cheering you on every day, Danielle
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Writing a Thank You Note 101
Grandma might not say anything to you, but she is probably disappointed how people today have lost their manners. I'm not here to step on a soapbox, but I do want to draw your attention to showing appreciation - to your family, friends and business acquaintances. I just found out that many adults are dropping the thank you notes... WHAT?!? And an email just won't do it!
Did you know that when you send a thank you note, that the gesture improves the frequency and quality of the gifts you receive. J People like being appreciated, and if they feel you actually notice the nice things they do for you, they’re more likely to give an encore performance. Wouldn’t you want a client/customer returning for service or product… or better yet, referring you to another client/customer? Of course!
Need help writing, just include these six steps:

1. Greet the Giver
2. Express Your Gratitude3. Discuss Use of Item or Time You Had at Event
4. Mention the Past, Allude to the Future
5. Grace (say thanks again – it’s not overkill)
6. Regards
Sounds easy enough, right?!? Now get it in the mail. And remember, if trying to get to the store or post-office is your excuse for not sending thank you note, go to our site. You have no more excuses using SendOutCards and by sending notes of appreciation and kindness, we’ll help you change a life… one card at a time.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Invest in Your Future
Did you know....
600,000 companies shut down in 2010. The numbers are not yet out for 2011, but included in those numbers will be 93 banks which combined closed 457 branches.
Out of those, I wonder how many people, both business owners and employees, were told about the opportunity to invest in Netflex, iTunes and Amazon, but turned it down.... choosing to stick with Blockbuster, Tower Records and Borders.
Why do I reflect on this? Because our company, SendOutCards has already paid out $50 million in commissions... in less than 10 years. You know about SOC because of our family, our team and/or others in the same busines, but I'd be willing to bet your next door neighbor has not heard of us.... yet.
Would you like to have a part?
Out of those, I wonder how many people, both business owners and employees, were told about the opportunity to invest in Netflex, iTunes and Amazon, but turned it down.... choosing to stick with Blockbuster, Tower Records and Borders.
Why do I reflect on this? Because our company, SendOutCards has already paid out $50 million in commissions... in less than 10 years. You know about SOC because of our family, our team and/or others in the same busines, but I'd be willing to bet your next door neighbor has not heard of us.... yet.
Would you like to have a part?
As a mom who started in direct sales (network marketing in 2003), I am in awe of the success our family has had in one year with SendOutCards. In no disrespect to the other company that I spent eight years with, I never saw the commissions, leadership bonus or incentive trips that we have been blessed with this year.
Just don't take my word - watch the videos at our business site, message me for a magazine, or email us for other's stories. We don't want to leave anyone behind as we shoot for the moon - join us. You'll find that we are your biggest cheerleader and take great pride in seeing your success and circumstances change for your family.
In no way am I telling you to quit your j-o-b, but I would encourage you to look at SendOutCards as a Plan B... as another stream of income that you can easily do part-time until it replaces the income generated by j-o-b. The freedoms in time and finances is an amazing feeling - may you see the potential and experience similar blessings.
All my best! --Danielle & Family
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I AM a Network Marketer & Proud

"Network Marketing provides me with a unique opportunity to create a business with LOW START UP COSTS and with VERY LITTLE RISK. I can work it PART TIME until it takes over the income we receive from a job. I can build a RECESSION-PROOF business for myself but have MANY OTHERS who have a VESTED INTEREST in my SUCCESS. I can LIVE and work ANYWHERE WE WANT, always be around POSITIVE PEOPLE and have an ongoing PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. I can do what I want, when I want, where I want and enjoy an adventurous LIFESTYLE. I can create FINANCIAL SECURITY and show others how to do the same. I can HELP OTHERS live a better life with a business that is no respecter of persons meaning they can come from Yale or they can come from Jail. My business plays no favorites. It treats everyone the SAME but rewards those who PERFORM. I am NETWORK MARKETING!"
-MLM Blueprint/Kody Bateman
Monday, January 9, 2012
Ascend to New Heights
Happy New Year! Sure, I've said that before - but for our family and our SendOutCards business and team, it is a new year. "WHY?" You might be asking. Oh, so much to tell you.... I don't even know where to start.
First, to our CardsAndMohr (SendOutCards) Team, we apreciate you. You have worked so hard in your business and now the fruits of your effort will be seen this year. Take a peek at your January check (from December sales) and know that is your smallest check of 2012. And here is why....
A lot of this needs to be in discussion. I will plan to do a conference call after a live-streaming event on Thursday. Look for those details - or call/message me before then.
The last news to share is that SOC has published a new magazine called ASEND. There is so much in this magazine. I LOVE the title - granted there is a play on spelling, but I looked up the definition of "ascend." as·cend (verb) 1. to move, climb, or go upward; mount; rise 2. to slant upward 3. to rise to a higher point, rank, or degree; proceed from an inferior to a superior degree or level.
There has never been a better time to be in SendOutCards. Our CEO told us that these last six years have been our "prelaunch" stage and now we have a chance to share the two missions of our company in 2012....
*I'd like to add that our success this year has not been all about the money. ;o) Of course it is, but it isn't the dollar amount - it is what those paychecks have allowed our family in time and family freedoms. From a house cleaner now and then, Club Sports for our oldest, charity and vacation & family trips. We are blessed - we know that, we appreciate that and never take our responsibilty and committment to our CardsAndMohr team (read family) for granted. We are here to see them... and maybe you succeed. Want to know about the business, click here for some videos or email me.
You know how I'll close this blog... SHOOT FOR THE MOON! 2012 is your's - to quote the event from this weekend, "get up and get busy." All my best! Big Hugs - Danielle
First, to our CardsAndMohr (SendOutCards) Team, we apreciate you. You have worked so hard in your business and now the fruits of your effort will be seen this year. Take a peek at your January check (from December sales) and know that is your smallest check of 2012. And here is why....
- SendOutCards has lowered the starting entrepreneur price to start business. It is only $295!
- There are Basic & Certified Training offered everywhere so you know how to work your biz - and it is the same training in Alaska as it is in Florida, Hawaii and Maine and all states in between.
- No more upfront cost for your customers to use SOC - make immediate commissions. Customers can start for $10 or $30/month depending on their needs.
- Leadership bonuses for all! Even as a new rep, you earn $ - however, these leadership bonuses are not paid until you teach/train your new rep. There is a lot more responsibility and committment from your Sponsor.
A lot of this needs to be in discussion. I will plan to do a conference call after a live-streaming event on Thursday. Look for those details - or call/message me before then.

There has never been a better time to be in SendOutCards. Our CEO told us that these last six years have been our "prelaunch" stage and now we have a chance to share the two missions of our company in 2012....
- Allow people to act on their promptings (follow that voice & send card/gift to let someone know you are thinking of them
- Provide a vehicle for financial freedoms*
*I'd like to add that our success this year has not been all about the money. ;o) Of course it is, but it isn't the dollar amount - it is what those paychecks have allowed our family in time and family freedoms. From a house cleaner now and then, Club Sports for our oldest, charity and vacation & family trips. We are blessed - we know that, we appreciate that and never take our responsibilty and committment to our CardsAndMohr team (read family) for granted. We are here to see them... and maybe you succeed. Want to know about the business, click here for some videos or email me.
You know how I'll close this blog... SHOOT FOR THE MOON! 2012 is your's - to quote the event from this weekend, "get up and get busy." All my best! Big Hugs - Danielle
Sunday, January 1, 2012
What is Your Legacy?
Unexpected phone calls from family make me nervous... We just talked to them - why are they calling? Such was another phone call today as we learned that my husband's uncle had passed away after an auto accident earlier this week.
It is these unexpected tragedies this year (compared to a "prepared loss" as ridiculous as that sounds with an older relative) that has really put a lot of things in perspective for me and *what* is important... From the unthinkable of a parent saying good-bye to an infant as God holds a baby angel to a little girl losing her mom to friends losing parents... and now this unexpected loss in our family.
I'm not going to be a philosophical here, but recently I have often asked myself what legacy and memory do I want to leave... and I am revisiting that question tonight.... What legacy and memory do I want to leave for my children? What do I want people to tell my kids about me? What impact (no matter the size) will my life have to those around me...?
As I read the above I realize it sounds "doom & gloom," but it's not meant to be. It's meant to reminde me what is important and how we should celebrate all the little things "now" and not later, as someday or tomorrow is not promised.
So ask yourself, what is the legacy you want to leave? If you aren't leaving the legacy you deisre, change it. Only you have the power to change the outcome - this reminds me of a quote from Facebook today about CHOICE - CHANCE - CHANGE... Remember: Celebrate the NOW!
Big hugs all around,
It is these unexpected tragedies this year (compared to a "prepared loss" as ridiculous as that sounds with an older relative) that has really put a lot of things in perspective for me and *what* is important... From the unthinkable of a parent saying good-bye to an infant as God holds a baby angel to a little girl losing her mom to friends losing parents... and now this unexpected loss in our family.
I'm not going to be a philosophical here, but recently I have often asked myself what legacy and memory do I want to leave... and I am revisiting that question tonight.... What legacy and memory do I want to leave for my children? What do I want people to tell my kids about me? What impact (no matter the size) will my life have to those around me...?
As I read the above I realize it sounds "doom & gloom," but it's not meant to be. It's meant to reminde me what is important and how we should celebrate all the little things "now" and not later, as someday or tomorrow is not promised.

Big hugs all around,
danielle mohr,
Don't Quit,
live for today,
new year,
seize the day,
shoot for the moon,
what if,
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