Valued for every hour you share,
Open to giving your generous care,
Lending a hand as well as your heart,
Ultra-dedicated in doing your part,
Noted for going abouve andbeyond,
Taking the time to smile and to bond,
Extraordinary in how you brighten days,
Eager to help in so many ways
Reliable in all that we request of you,
Someone who's loyal, dedicated, and true!
Thought the poem was great and wanted to share. To those of you who give your time & talents to another person or cause, THANK YOU!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Excitement & Can't Sleep

While we all judge our succes differently, we all have goals. (Refer that that Blog entry.) Look at the position in your company, look at the volume or sales.... How are you working your business? Are you treating it like a business or are you treating it like a hobby? You will paid appropriately.
Whatever your goals, what would happen if you doubled your efforts? What if you sent 2 cards a day vs. one, what if you sent 2 gifts a week vs. one... what if you did double the gift-account walk-thrus..? How would your business be different? We all have motivation. If a child was sick and you needed $ money, you'd work your business differently to achieve it... How can you use that same idea of motivation for goals to reach those you've set?
We've challenged ourselves and I challenge you to see what you can do for your business within the next three months... yep, 90 days! How can you double your efforts to double your rewards?
We are here! Yes, we cheer you on; however, we are here to coach, brainstorm and help you achieve your goals as you shoot for the moon.
All our best,
Monday, August 22, 2011
Send Out Cards - 3 min Video

Shoot for the moon - you know we are cheering you on!
Hugs, Danielle & Family
My Gratitude Journal - shared entries
Thinking of you. I am GRATEFUL for you - your friendship, your following and your support! Thank you for you! Hugs, Danielle
danielle mohr,
gratitude journal,
home business,
personal development,
thank you
Friday, August 19, 2011
Financial Freedom is NOT Promised

You might be thinking the title is tough and unlike all the other teases to blogs, videos and ads! I don't want it to be tough, I want it to be real. After nine years in network marketing, I will share with you first-hand that financial freedom is not promised. Financial Freedom is not going to 'just happen' as you sit there. Financial Freedom is POSSIBLE.
View this short video from me and look at the network marketing company you are with or that you are considering joining. What is that company's history... and what is the company's future? What is your investment to join? Time? Money? Etc... and how fast can you earn the investment back? You need to do your homeork - talk to your spouse, partner, family and make the best decision for you!
IF you are not involved in network marketing, I recommend you read any book by Robert T. Kiyosaki, including "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "The Business of the 21st Century." It'll will be well worth it!
Cheering you on,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Be The Boss Interview
WOW! This magazine is a must for any of our readers to check out: Be The Boss.
Although I'm biased to the Interview on Page 12, I am posting this magazing and all the interview in hopes of making a difference for YOU. I want you, our followers & friends looking for opportunities to be their own boss...
While I cannot comment on all the companies or speak for the reps, I would tell you to look at the companies, the Whys and find the best choice for you. Contact the reps listed, check out websites, and learn more. Of course, there are numerous companies not listed, but this is a good start. Look at the companies history, investment, risk and future - look at the needs of your family, time committment, and goals.
Always here for you & cheering you on - Danielle
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Out of MY Comfort Zone
Hi Blog Friends,
As I've often challenged you to step out of your comfort zone, it is my turn to "do as I say." Yep! Our SendOutCards team, friends and fans have asked for video... Fom Mom Videos in doing the work/child juggle to Business Ideas. My Disclaimer: These are just 'our' ideas - things that have worked for us and ideas for you to consider, use or tweak. We are here to give you ideas and inspire you to be your best... no matter what your business is or how many kids you have or your goals for personal & business growth.
Our You-Tube Debut! Click Here
Fingers crossed I embedded the link here. (I told you I am learning all these technical skills.) Shoot for the moon! We are cheering you on.
Hugs, Danielle
As I've often challenged you to step out of your comfort zone, it is my turn to "do as I say." Yep! Our SendOutCards team, friends and fans have asked for video... Fom Mom Videos in doing the work/child juggle to Business Ideas. My Disclaimer: These are just 'our' ideas - things that have worked for us and ideas for you to consider, use or tweak. We are here to give you ideas and inspire you to be your best... no matter what your business is or how many kids you have or your goals for personal & business growth.
Our You-Tube Debut! Click Here
Fingers crossed I embedded the link here. (I told you I am learning all these technical skills.) Shoot for the moon! We are cheering you on.
Hugs, Danielle
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A Compliment from a SOC User (Link)
Hi Friends,
Today's blog entry is pretty easy. I just had the highest compliment made to our business as a friend took time to write about SendOutCards, us and how she has become a card sender.
Please check out Paige's Blog, "Always So Random" which has this testimonial and lots of other fun stuff. Depending on when you are reading my blog, her entry is dated Aug 11, 2011.
Enjoy! And if we can help you become 'that girl' too, please let us know.
Hugs, Danielle
Today's blog entry is pretty easy. I just had the highest compliment made to our business as a friend took time to write about SendOutCards, us and how she has become a card sender.
Please check out Paige's Blog, "Always So Random" which has this testimonial and lots of other fun stuff. Depending on when you are reading my blog, her entry is dated Aug 11, 2011.
Enjoy! And if we can help you become 'that girl' too, please let us know.
Hugs, Danielle
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Staying In Touch -
I was asked to write a blog entry for Professional Building Network (PBN) Group and I wanted to share the content with you too. Enjoy! To your success - Danielle
Staying In Touch by Danielle Mohr
Are you one of the 40% of sales people that do NOT follow-up with a prospect? If yes, stay tuned for a future blog. However, if you are one of those that do follow-up, how do you keep in contact with those you have networked with or met? How do you set yourself apart from others?
The best advice I could share would be to stay in touch and with this staying in touch efforts, make sure you are giving to give… and not necessarily gain business immediately. The referrals and business are the goal, but with kindness and appreciation you will achieve that success. You will quickly learn that appreciation will “win” over self-promotion every time.
The first idea someone has to stay in touch is using e-mails. While it is convenient to send emails, you need to make these attempts personal. Write and send a personal e-mails asking how the customer/client is and and briefly share a couple sentences what you have been doing. This isn’t a sales solicitation. And yes, the phone still works… pick it up, dial and say “Hello!”
The goal is to try to stay in touch with your customers, clients and prospects on a regular basis. Eighty percent of sales are made between the 5th- 12th contact or interaction. A hand-written note is a great way to show you care and stand out from the crowd. Send the card to your customer/client on special occasions and send them “just because” for fun & a positive contact with your recipient. Send out seasonal cards – I have a client who swears by sending Thanksgiving cards for his business. It is his moment to express his gratitude for their relationship and business. By sending Thanksgiving cards, he believes he is standing out among the traditional holiday card.
While holidays are a great time to send out cards, you can get pretty creative when to send other cards to have an opportunity to make those customer/client contacts. Try sending recipe postcards or themed cards: “Spring Ahead – Set Your Clocks Forward” or notes of appreciation: “Thanks for your business or Thanks for the Referral” with a gift card to a coffee shop or such. Send notes about career changes, marriage, new houses, babies and sympathy cards. The gesture goes a long way. These handwritten notes carry a great return on the networking you began. You may look at your contacts in business or with other businesses and think how will I be able to write all those cards? There again, is another blog entry or you can contact me for the how-tos or try it out for FREE!.
The underlying key no matter what form you use to stay in touch is to build the relationship. Keep connected and nuture the friendships so they don’t disappear. These relationships are with people who you support and will support you. The first step is up to you.
And remember, "a card a day - keeps the competition away."
business tools,
customer appreciation,
danielle mohr,
greeting cards,
law of averages,
Sandy Luedke,
send out cards,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
100 Marketing Ideas (Link)
If you are looking for sales and marketing ideas, here are 100 of the best ever! We like #45 - and you can too. Allow us to show you how easy it is to use our system to send 1 card or 1,000. Phone, Skype or Coffee - we'll connect. Save time and money with SendOutCards and us!
Remember, "a card a day keeps the cometition away."
We are happy to assist you. --Tim & Danielle
Friday, August 5, 2011
Say What You Mean... Today
The month has just begun and we've already had the need to send sympathy cards to Friends for family losses. My heart aches and I will never know what our Friends are feeling, nor will we have the "right" words when we send a heartfelt note. But we do just that - we sit down and send a heartfelt card with our own sentiments. Forget that it is in our handwriting and signatures, but just think about the impact that our Friends feel with this gesture of love.
We're blessed to use our SendOutCards system/tool so we can immediately act on our intention. Too often we have the intention, but due to time or money we may not act on it. Although are words won't be the "right" words, they will be there for Friends to read and re-read for comfort.
Don't be afraid to express yourself. We share so much admiration and praise for others in their eulogies. We want to provide you a system/tool to act on your intention and celebrate those around you TODAY! We encourage you to reach out and tell someone what they mean to you.
If you love someone, have praise/admiration or the need to say thanks - do so today. Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family. Reach out and tell them TODAY because when you decide that it is the right time it might be too late.
Have the thought to send a card now? Click here to send greeting card for FREE!
Hugs, Danielle
danielle mohr,
greeting card,
seize the day,
send out cards,
staying in touch,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Take Time for Your Mate & You!
For those of you who follow our blog, you know that my husband & I were MIA for a couple weeks with trips to Nashville and Las Vegas. Those two weeks were amazing and I gained so much insight, appreciation and fresh perspective for myself and my roles in family and business. I have a list of items/blog entries I want to write about from these moment. And even though my girlfriend thinks I’m nuts “put [my]self out there," I thought this would be a good start...
Although it is one of those things you know, your closest relationship is with your mate. And such is true for me, as my relationship with Tim. We’ve been married 12 years and counting and as you know the husband & wife relationship changes when you become father & mother. In writing this, I don’t mean to imply the change is negative – it is just different. And for us, it is exciting and fun to experience our adventures, vacations, life lessons and more as a group of five than solo. I will be the first one to admit that we don’t take the dates and time away as a couple (as all the “experts” advise); however, we make other “dates” and prioritize our couple time over family time occasionally. We don’t choose couple time over family time to be selfish, we chose it to flourish & strengthen our family time.
Since we don’t always make the true date (restaurant, movie, etc) out in the community, one thing we do is plan a date for a late dinner together at home. We do this with take-out dinners (yep, even our favorite Hibachi restaurant creates meals for us) or late dinner for us when the kids go to bed. I am a huge component of family meals, so we still sit/snack with the boys during their dinner to continue conversation, but save our dinner & dialogue for a little later in the night.
How do we have dinner or this quiet time? We’ve been lucky to have good sleepers, but we also encourage bedtimes around 8 pm +/- 30 minutes depending on the kiddos’ age. Your ‘in-home’ dates don’t have to be perfect or expensive… perhaps it’s sharing a TV show, playing cards, dinner, looking at photos or just the simple conversations without being interrupted.
Don’t let your business or outside stresses separate your relationship with your spouse. A great book is When Husband and Wife Become Mom and Dad by Elisa Morgan & Carol Kuykendall in which they share, “Hope comes in realizing that the chaos you’re experiencing in your marriage is perfectly normal.” And that is a reality. In a life with kids (I’d never change that), we are rarely going to FIND time with our partner/spouse – we have to MAKE it.

You may be thinking 3-days are still too much – for expenses or trust of another. Again, you could do this with an overnight… maybe you go somewhere locally to stay overnight or maybe you schedule sleepovers for your kiddos and trade the favor with friends. No matter what your budget allows, I guess the lesson of today’s blog entry is to find time for your mate! I bet you are working hard at maintain your (girl) friendships; now just make sure to put the attention on your closest relationship with your mate or spouse.
You know me… your biggest cheerleader. Sending hugs - Danielle
adam packard; blessings,
danielle mohr,
Las Vegas,
Napa Valley,
pay it forward,
send out cards,
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Vacation - Return to Blog
My Fans and Friends,
My sincerest apologies as I log in today to share my many insights and reflections from the past month. I cannot believe it's been almost a month since my last entry. (Guess it proves I blog 'live' and nothing is prearranged.) I never intended to be MIA for that long and leave you without word; however, with summer vacation with the kids and two trips my time to blog has been minimal. But I'm back and have so much to share.... from looking forward & not back, gambling, reflections of sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon, relationships and so more. I almost don't know where to start, but to just share and embelish on my journal entries. I'm looking forward to continuing our relationships and stories here and on Facebook.
Hugs, Danielle
My sincerest apologies as I log in today to share my many insights and reflections from the past month. I cannot believe it's been almost a month since my last entry. (Guess it proves I blog 'live' and nothing is prearranged.) I never intended to be MIA for that long and leave you without word; however, with summer vacation with the kids and two trips my time to blog has been minimal. But I'm back and have so much to share.... from looking forward & not back, gambling, reflections of sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon, relationships and so more. I almost don't know where to start, but to just share and embelish on my journal entries. I'm looking forward to continuing our relationships and stories here and on Facebook.
Hugs, Danielle
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