In addition to his family and some other prominent WHYs, the one that he really was caught up on was how he was living for each Friday afternoon - and dreading each Monday morning. That is a long week to go through waiting for one particular day.
What we told him and we'd tell you, is stick with that j-o-b for the next year as you build your new business in network marketing. We will be the first ones to tell you, what a difference your goals and deadlines do for motivation... Our SOC Friends and Network Marketing Expert, Eric Worre created this 8 minute post/video and I highly recommend you watch it.
Eric has been with other companies and while other network marketing companies were trying to recruit him, he decided to be part of SOC without any incentive - heworks his business just as Tim & I do... and just as the next person on our team. His video explains why network marketing is "better" than being employed. And we agree 100%. It is so nice to be our own boss, but to also work at our pace and be paid or promoted based solely on our performance - we don't have to wait for someone else to promote (or die) to change roles. We are building our legacy for our children one card at a time.
So instead of thinking "TGIF," think "TFIT..." That means, "Thank Goodness It's TODAY!" Live for the now, enjoy the now - don't wait for some day. We all know some day is not promised. If you are living life and waiting for a certain day of the week to arrive like Friday, Satutday or Sunday - that is a sign. Follow your "what if" and start feeling the excitement of those three days, every day of the year - there are 365 days (+1 this year) to enjoy.
We support our team with all our hearts, time and energy. We want the same freedoms in time and money to be their's.... we want it to be your's too. If our company has ever been an interest to you -contact us at danielle@cardsandmohr.com or through this blog.
Cheering you on!
Danielle & Tim
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