Those of you in network marketing or similar business understand that half your business is in sales and the other half is related to your team... and you'll see this as a reflection of your ability to coach, teach and mentor.
Some things for you to think about: What are you offering your team? Office hours? Emails? Training? Samples? Models? How does your personal business look like? As we have learned with our children, we get a better response / action when we "do what we say" ourselves and not just expect our children to do it without seeing us model or do the same action required.
I write the blog for many mompreneurs across the board (regardless of our companies), we are all trying to do the same juggle between business and family. IF you are part of our CardsAndMohr team, you will never see us ask you something that we are not willing to do ourselves. And you'll find the same as you team build your own success unit and team.
Just keep striving to make a difference - not only for your family, but for your entire team. I will tell you, if feels great to meet personal goals and shower your family with abundance; however, there is something more powerful that feels FANTASTIC to celebrate your team doing the same... from that first sale, recruit, promotion, walk across a stage, etc.
We are always here to serve you. We just summed up the first half of 2012 - here is to your goals for the next six months. Shoot for the Moon!!!! Sincerely, Danielle & Tim
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