As stated, often the elephant analogy might be used in
regards to a project or task – goals to have the person break down their task
into smaller increments… and you can use the same thought with your business goals.
Almost everyone I meet in network marketing is striving to
be a leader in their company. Unless they are a hobbyist, the consultant of a
company wants more. Well, none of us can
be the top level consultant in our business without climbing the steps in rank
and advancing step by step.
Look at your company’s
plan for advancement and make smaller goals… smaller bites that you can achieve
now. If you are on our CardsAndMohr SendOutCards team, connect with us for your individual next step and/or
goal. If you want details of our
compensation or rank advancement plan, click on Proven Plan of Action to give you details. And if you want my story of the difference SOC has made in our family after 2.5 years, please ask. I spent almost 8 years with another company and never had the team or the success that we have now... and it our goal to mentor and provide you (and your family) the same too.
All my best! --Danielle
Mompreneurs different from regular entrepreneurs? Yes. Absolutely. A successful mompreneur possesses all the essential ingredients of the typical entrepreneur but with some major differences.