Monday, October 1, 2012

Chip at It - One Day, One Goal at a Time

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”  That is the sound surrounding me today as floor tile is replaced in our kitchen.  And the banging and chipping of the tile sent my mind wandering about “chipping” at things in your life.  How a little effort goes a long way… the little chip to remove the grout between two tiles eventually leads to the entire floor being removed – and replaced.  If our contractor did not attempt the “little chip” (no matter how minor it appeared), the floor would never be complete.
What is the dream or goal you are striving for? While it may seem like a huge, over-whelming feat or unattainable goal… it isn’t. It might have been, if you did it all at once; however, what if you did it “step by step” and chipped off the little goals on your way to the final prize. It’s an analogy question used often when teaching project management, “How do you eat an elephant?” Yep – one bite at a time.

As stated, often the elephant analogy might be used in regards to a project or task – goals to have the person break down their task into smaller increments… and you can use the same thought with your business goals.
Almost everyone I meet in network marketing is striving to be a leader in their company. Unless they are a hobbyist, the consultant of a company wants more.  Well, none of us can be the top level consultant in our business without climbing the steps in rank and advancing step by step.

Look at your company’s plan for advancement and make smaller goals… smaller bites that you can achieve now.  If you are on our CardsAndMohr SendOutCards team, connect with us for your individual next step and/or goal.  If you want details of our compensation or rank advancement plan, click on Proven Plan of Action to give you details. And if you want my story of the difference SOC has made in our family after 2.5 years, please ask. I spent almost 8 years with another company and never had the team or the success that we have now... and it our goal to mentor and provide you (and your family) the same too. 
All my best! --Danielle


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Find your ZING!

Hi Friends -
I love it when the simple act of going to the movies with your kids, brings about more than one lesson. Such was the case with our rain day choice, ""Hotel Transylvania."

In the movie, we learn about feeling that spark - or *zing* that was once felt between the Vampire parents and now between their 118 y/o daughter, Mavis and the human, Johnny. Of couse, we all have stories of the *zing* we felt with our partners, but I can save that for another day. However, I will say, literally there was a spark on the first time my husband and I went on a group outing together. I won't say it was a date... because it wasn't. It was a group of us racing Big Wheels- see I told you it was a story for another day.

The *zing* made me think about following anything that sparks life for you! When you feel that excitement.... in love, career, adventure. To paraphrase the movie, "you only feel that zing once." And for me, the *zing* is the thing! To me, the *zing* has been my love with my husband, which created the love for our kiddos - and when our family felt complete... but the *zing* I feel passionate about is our network markering career with SendOutCards. Where else can you be your own boss and create your own legacy? Where else do you control your schedule and income? We are blessed and it is so exciting to now see others on our team succeed.

So if you read this - whethere on our CardsAndMohr team, searching for a company or already affiliated with another company, I encourage you to go find your ZING. What do you have to lose? You may just end up changing your life by following that feeling... that what-if.

Shoot for the moon!
Hugs, Danielle

Friday, September 14, 2012

WANTED: 4 Aces

Dear Friends and Fans -

We are searching for FOUR ACEDS and need your help. This isn't necessarily a post aimed at you (our friends), but we are looking for four "aces" and need your help.

Who do you know who would like to earn some extra money? 

Who dislikes his job?

Who dislikes his boss?

Who do you know that would like to have a part-time income while still keeping his present job?

Who would like to move from an apartment to a home? Who do you know who enjoys traveling?

Who wants to save up for college? Do any of your friends want to own their own business?

Pssst! Now is the time for them to get in the game....
They can't win if they aren't in the game. The longer they wait and see others succeed the longer it will take you to catch up. Here is a link to testimonials of SOC distributors - click to hear their stories.

Want more info? Here are details on the business opportunity. "The Future is Now" was not just a catch phrase at our convention earlier this summer, it truely is a prophesy coming true for so many.  Why not someone new?

Shoot for the moon!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Work Hard - Play Hard

Hi Friends,

Just a quick note to check in. I can't believe it's been six weeks since my last entry... but I have a good excuse. We have been blessed with our business and set goals for our family... and in achieving them, we celebrated together too. We took a four-week vacation and celebrate us - we went to Disney World parks, Legoland, Florida beaches and got to visit both sets of grandparents. Literally, we were home a couple days (2!) in four weeks - just enough time to do laundry and jet set again.

Here are just a couple photos:

When you wish upon a star...
The Tree of Life is amazing!

Every boys dream! And it was a total surprise -

Everything was unbelievable - Dream & Achieve

As if the parks at Disney (we did Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot) and Legoland were not enough, we have one last surprise for the boys.  We stayed at a resort in Ft. Walton, Florida and one morning decided to take kayaks out in the Gulf of Mexico. Take a peek at our video - THIS topped all our memories for me and was a moment for all five of us to take in the beauty of the animals in their natural habitat while listening to their breathing and chatter.

Well... vacation is over, school has resumed and so has my appointments to aid others in their personal and business relationships - all with the power of a greeting card. Check out our cards and gifts at by clicking here. May this tool and service allow you to work smarter and not harder - but if you do work hard, remember to take time (especially with your family) to PLAY HARD too.
And as always, thanks for following us. We appreciate you!
In gratitude,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Life - It's for Rent

Wowzer. Our family has been on an emotional rollercoaster since July 5th when my Uncle, who is like a father-figure to me, went to the doctor's office with concern of some arm swelling. His doctor sent him to the ER concerned that my Uncle wasn't getting enough blood flow thru his carotid artery. While I won't document all the medical stuff, we went from thinking the July 5 visit would turn into the need for a carotid stent in his neck; however, we got more than we ever wanted to hear.

Initial tests showed numerous "spots on his spine, lungs, liver, kidney, and lymph nodes." Doctors were writing down "cancer everywhere.... possible small cell cancer... prognosis: 4-6 months...."  Honestly, I can't remember everything - my world was just turned upside down.

As my Uncle had more tests dones and I started to hang on to hope.  The kidney results came back and it is a cyst - it's the size of an orange, but a cyst. One slide of tissue cut for one of the above areas came back negative, but the doctor disagreed and asked for another section.  After almost a week in the hospital with all these tests, my Uncle was discharged home to wait for the results on new biopsies taken.

And that leads me to today, readmission in the hospital to conduct a PET scan. Still waiting on those results and a conversation with another oncologist this afternoon, but the worst of our fears have been confirmed... Stage IV cancer of lung and liver .  (Yes, my Uncle smoked 30 years ago; however, was not a drinker. I am not sure how that all relates, but I don't want there to be speculation.)

I guess I am sitting down to write because I don't know what else to do... yes, I'm praying and while I don't know God's Plan, I do trust Him. I guess I am writing because I don't want you to take life for granted... I don't want you to wait for tomorrow.... I don't want you to put off your dreams.... Now, I'm not saying you have to get all crazy and start checking off everything on your Bucket List, but maybe do the little things you put off....

Do something crazy with the kids... eat dessert first, have a water fight...
Cut your hair... color your hair... Maybe get that tatoo...
Call a Friend you haven't talked to in year... Call a Friend you are grateful for....
Pick flowers... Give away the flowers... Take time to smell the flowers
Even as supper is boiling over or the baby spit up, the dog is barking -
stop and take time to kiss your spouse good-bye
You know I did it, GO SKY-DIVING or something that scares you!

I can't write everything, but take a moment to think about what you would do if you got a grim diagnosis. What would you miss out on? Celebrate those people... those things today - tomorrow is not promised.... and just like when we lost our friend, Denai, I am reminded of that with all the heartache and tears our family has shed recently.

I am not giving up hope and I do believe in the power of prayer, but I also know the odds are against my Uncle. However, any of you reading this know he's a fighter since his vehicle accident at age 18 that eventually left him paraplegic. I guess I am just writing for myself (it's therapeutic and I get all my tears out) and I'm writing for you... PLEASE take time to celebrate the now. Our life is not our's... we don't know when our final tomorrow will be.... Tomorrow is not promised.

With sincere gratitude for you - in reading our blog and following our blog.  With appreciation for your kindness, love and support - as my readers, CardsAndMohr team, SendOutCards Family and as FRIENDS.  I do appreciate you! And I do enjoy celebrating you - may you pay-it-foward and celebrate someone else today... and you may do so for FREE on me at our website by clicking on the "Send a Free Card" icon.

Big, BIG hugs -

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Less Me, More WE

We all have heard "there is no /i/ in team since the age when you may have stareted sports. I am here to tell you there is no /me/ in business. To be successful in business with sales or team building, you need to focus on the WE!  What you can do as a team - for us, this rings true with our team buidling and the success of our team.

Those of you in network marketing or similar business understand that half your business is in sales and the other half is related to your team... and you'll see this as a reflection of your ability to coach, teach and mentor.

Some things for you to think about: What are you offering your team? Office hours? Emails? Training? Samples? Models? How does your personal business look like? As we have learned with our children, we get a better response / action when we "do what we say" ourselves and not just expect our children to do it without seeing us model or do the same action required.

I write the blog for many mompreneurs across the board (regardless of our companies), we are all trying to do the same juggle between business and family. IF you are part of our CardsAndMohr team, you will never see us ask you something that we are not willing to do ourselves.  And you'll find the same as you team build your own success unit and team.

Just keep striving to make a difference - not only for your family, but for your entire team. I will tell you, if feels great to meet personal goals and shower your family with abundance; however, there is something more powerful that feels FANTASTIC to celebrate your team doing the same... from that first sale, recruit, promotion, walk across a stage, etc.

We are always here to serve you. We just summed up the first half of 2012 - here is to your goals for the next six months. Shoot for the Moon!!!!  Sincerely, Danielle & Tim

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why SendOutCards?!?

Hi Friends - It's Danielle! In  a discussion with a friend looking to use SendOutCards this morning, I thought I would share my thoughts on "why SendOutCards is a great business" to you too. While the meeting was initially to introduce this friend to SOC to use for his current business, this guy is smart enough to consider the Opportunity presented by SendOutCards and the second avenue of income for his family.

1. It actually does cost less to use our SOC system then to buy a card from a store. You cannot go to any store and buy a card like we have for 62 cents as a preferred customer... or 98 cents a a customer... and even at the Pay As You Go rate, SOC challenges the competition.

2. The best way to to tell people about this service is to demonstrate and set up a sample account for them. Anyone can do this with about 10 minutes of training, and is an easy NON-pressure sales way of telling others. I love allowing people the chance to "test drive" with no strings attached. 

3. It is then when people have had a chance to use the system a few times, that they ask you additional questions.  My favorite question being "how do I sign up?" I love that I have shared a system, tool and product and others ask us how to get started. We are not 'chasing a sale' or losing friends.. we simply shared SOC.

4. For a company to send personal greeting cards for less than a dollar including postage is unbelievable. You name the profession - and this product can help them do better and more business. Take time to ask those around you if they have  "Follow-Up System" for their current clients and customers. A huge percentage won't. In the two years we've been part of SOC, we have tons of thank yous for the introduction to the tools/system. Businesses are no longer looking for new clients! Now, businesses are taking time to express gratitude for their current client and while feeling appreciated, the current client sends sales and referrals to the Business because of the kindness.

5. The time factor is unbelievable! Most businesses are shocked to be able to send 10,000 cards as quickly as one could send an email and have them be personalized to each card. Businesses found they save a lot of time in one click of a button... this click also saves money in the hourly rate they would have paid their assistant to write, address, stamp and send the same cards.

6. The possibilities are endless. If you need leads open the yellow pages and start dialing. Just ask the sales manager to send a few cards for free. We do a lot of businesses we already have relationships with... real estate agents, lawyers, car dealerships, doctors, dentists, etc.  We have also found that simply by being a "product of the product" and sending true cards (no solicitation) that new business is finding us!

You've heard our story before and we can only begin to tell you how excited we are about SOC.  And since returning from Convention in Las Vegas, "The Future is NOW!" 

This is an 87 Billion dollar market and ran by 2 major greeting card companies until now. SOC is #3.  SOC now has it's own first-class stamp and is working closely with the post-office for tracking each card sent, etc. There is so much more... this is only the beginning. But don't take my word! Her are the details regarding the business opportunity.  There is no way you can fail to make money with it unless you just do nothing.

This is the right company and the right time and new technology that is wonderful - SendOutCards' tag line is "Changing Lives.... One Card at a Time."  We recommend you start with your life first!

Let us know how we can help you!
Sincerely, Danielle & Tim Mohr
Send us an Email 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Got Gratitude?

Proud Mom as my oldest is 2 weeks into the Gratitude Challenge.  Will you join us? Age, gender, location does not matter - all you need to do is committ to sending one card a day x30 days.... sending kindness & appreciation to thirty people.  Imagine the impact. 

Take a look at Zach challenging you - JOIN US!

No risk. No strings attached. And 100% money back guarentee if you complete challenge and are not satisfied.... Highly doubt it, but guarentee.

Help us make a difference!
Hugs, Danielle & Family

Monday, June 11, 2012

Duplication of Penny and Team

From time to time I'm asked about team building and the power of duplication in team building. To answer the question, we share the story of multiplying a penny. It is amazing what you can achieve with consistency and duplication... With a new person in your team I recommend you share your story, the 'recipe' to success and help the new rep succeed.  Use the training the company has given you, keep it simple and don't change the 'recipe.' What I love about SendOutCards is that there is 'recipe' we use and the Basic Training each new rep goes thru is the same no matter where they are trained. Our Basic Training maual gives us the first steps to succeed... the only difference between a new rep and some of our leaders is time! 

Penny Analogy - Doubling penny each day!

The same can be demonstrated with Team Building.

What is neat about the above is if you look at the ideal team building and the financial success with a perfect formula, it an unbelieveable number... What I love is the realistic view with a 10% success rate and it is still A LOT of money. Don't take my word - look at the business opportunity for SendOutCards - better yet, look at the vision!  I believe we're in a business bigger than we are, who is more than 'just cards.' I feel like we are the start of a positive movement; one of gratitude... one to make us all pause, reflect and appreciate all life's blessings to our familes.

If SendOutCards appeals to you, but you wonder about statistics in Network Marketing - here is a great slide with details. The attrition rate of other network marketing companies is: 61%  For SendOutCards: it was a third of that (I'll check my notes for specifics).  We have approximately 150,000 distributors world-wide.  Are you still afraid that SendOutCards is saturated? No. Message me and I'll give you detail for your area, but there is a lot of room for lots and lots of people to be success.

Shoot for the moon! I will always be here for you. If you are on our CardsAndMohr SOC team and committed, we are committed to you and will take you to the next levels!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Consistency is the Key!

I just had a great discussion with a new distributor on our team that set goals for the first month and has hit a home run.  They finally understood all my tips and subtle hints from the past.  They now understand our love for the network marketing industry.

Network Markeing (SendOutCards for us) is the only business we know where an average every day person like us, can build a solid business without having to invest a huge amount of money with risk.  Network Marketing is NOT a get rich quick business, but it is one that you can reach your dreams, if you do 3 things:




Pretty simple, but consistency is the key. We have a plan that we share with each new member of our team. We look at their goals and we shoot for the stars. This week, we're off to Las Vegas for our SOC Convention and will miss you!  Consider joining us... and that way you can be with us in Vegas, the next cruise, and VIP trip.

We are cheering you on!

PS: I attached this photo floating around the internet/Facebook and I love it.  Everything we know in the world is set up in a 'pyramid.' The one thing that always has attracted me to Network Marketing is I'm on my own... our success is due to our efforts and we can promote before the guy 'ahead' of us.  In the corporation we'd have to wait for others to be promoted (move or die) in order move up.... In Network Marketing, we are in charge of our success and promotions. WHOO HOO!

Want details on OUR business opp with SendOutCards? Click here!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Gratitude Challenge Participants

My heart is sooo happy? Guess who is doing the Gratitude Challenge? Yep - our boys! The big boys pooled their money together and are sharing the 30 days to send cards to their teachers, coaches and friends. They are loving it and while I know how I feel and have read your messages, to see my children participate is unmatched.  Take a peek as they show you how easy it is to be part of the challenge by clicking here!

Make someone's day.... What do you have to lose..? That is right - absolutely nothing. Hugs, Danielle

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

30 Day Gratitude Challenge - Are You Doing It?

Who do you appreciate? Have you told them? Are you are over-due in sharing your gratitude? Take a peek at the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge that many in our SendOutCards family are participating in for a month. Now look at our CardsAndMohr team and customers who jonied us.... we are in awe of you!

As I mention in the video, we want to hear from YOU! Please message us via email or Facebook. Connect w/ us for a $31/mo account so you pay 62 cents a card - add the stamp and you have just made someone's day... month... year for about $1.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Fundraising Ideas

Do you do any type of fundraising - for school, church, non-profit or other? Do you have a way to stay in touch with your donors year after year? Do you have a quick, convenient, and inexpensive way to send a "thank you card?"  If not, take a peek at this video.

You can be a card sender... in your individual, business and service relationships. I would love the opportunity to share how easy our SendOutCards system is for managing all your contacts (database), dates, cards and campaigns to be sent at a later time.

You have a chance to make a difference in your fundraising efforts. Make sure you take a moment to appreciate those who donated to your efforts so they will want to donate again next year.  Try the system out - send a card at by clicking here!

All my best,

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Dates" with Your Kids

It's been a long time since grad school and I would never consider myself a parenting "expert," but I do want to take a moment to share a couple of ideas. 

If your is like our  house, it is busy - no matter how many children you have... there are school, events, extra-cirriculars, meals, shopping, playdates, doctor appointments and the list goes on and on. Sometimes, you may find it hard to slow down and just "be" with your child in that moment. There are two ideas I'd like to share that make a difference in our house.

(1) Stagger Bedtimes
(2) Take Your Child on a Date

Let me write some details. We have three kiddos (3-6-9 y/o) and bedtime for Mom/Dad takes about an hour a half - you might be thinking, what? Basically each night, each kiddo gets about 30 minutes with Mom and/or Dad. The preschooler starts first - it's bath, then 1:1 time - it varies: snuggles, TV time, reading, quiet game... things to get ready for bed. When he offiically goes to bed, it's one book, prayer, and hugs/kisses.  Then our 1st grader gets his solo time, followed by our 3rd grader.

I LOVE these quiet times - the focus is all on that child. It allows us to return to anything touched on at dinner (that'll be another entry), relax, chat about school, subjects, friends - make small talk and address anything that comes up or use it as a teaching lesson while they are young. The boys each have their favorite things to do and it varies - I love it because even as fast as my 3rd grader wants to grow up, he still wants his time with Mom/Dad.

It is my hope to always keep the lines of communication open - for big or small concerns. Even if I get the 'oh mom' plus a sigh, I'll joke about that I always hope he'll come to me for any questions. The boys really love it because instead of having to 'fight' to get a word in or feel like someone stole their thunder at an announcement, the focus is all them.  And the boys are respectfuly to each other during their bedtime snuggles/routines - even if one of the big boys comes in for a question while I'm with the preschooler, I say (and my son hears me say) "That will have to wait, I'm spending my time with L. I'll help you once he is in bed."

Another great way to give your child that special one-on-one time, is to "date your child." HA! Not the "date - date," which the kids laugh about; however, you do want to make a point to do something special with each child.  Something specific to that child - their likes, their personalities, their dream.  We've done everything to sushi (ok, sushi rolls - but not bad for a 9 year old) taking them to basketball game to movies to bike rides to ice cream to arcade places to Legoland Discovery Center to playing at the park, feeding the ducks, and each kiddo gets a solo trip to San Antonio with Daddy when in Kinder or 1st grade to experience that for themselves.

The "date" doesn't have to be elaborate - it's about the quality of time. And you might find out a lot more about school, friends, concerns, fears, ideas and much more than in the one question "how was school today?"

Always wishing you the best in all of life's adventures -

From one momma to another, Danielle

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Michele Reynolds interviews Brian Cook

Dear CardsAndMohr SOC Team -

If you missed the interview with Michele Reynolds and SOC Executive, Brian Cook - go listen to it.  Here are some great nuggets, but the interview is worth the time!

From Michele's call and Blog, things to take away:

1. Help and serve other people genuinely.

2. Get some of that "Ignorance On Fire!"

3. Be a Master of Follow-Up.  Just a note, someone showed Brian SOC but did not get back to him on a simple question. As Jordan Adler says it, don't start and stop again over and over and over again.

4. Ours "autoship" is simple. It's $31/mo for 50 cards.  Brian shared in some Network Marketing Companies, they require a HUGE auto ship and you almost have to "encourage" people to stick to it.

5. Be a person of your word, hold people accountable and listen to what they want. Play with those that choose to intentionally engage... no need to chase anyone on your team who doesn't "want it."

6. Find your why! Brian shared losing his brother, Shawn Cook, who drown at age sixteen.  You can feel Brian's love and can see how this could change a person forever.

7. Share this with everyone! DUH. (See me smiling.)

8. Become laser focused.

9. Ask for referrals and call them. (Brian did this, and Executives Kim and Dave Welch are here and on his team because of a referral to Brian. Yeah!

10. Never give up. Even when you want to quit - don't! I hold Jordan's advice "never quit on a bad day" to myself.

11. Remember they are NOT rejecting you - they just do not want your stuff... YET.

12. Get to know your business builders and make them life-long friends. Make it be about THEM and not about you. Help them create life-changing stories that will engage others.

13. Be a great coach - and hold people accountable.

14. Be duplicatable!! That is what this whole business is about - it is set up so others can duplicate you, as you duplicate another. No new recipe - do what we know works... "Gather customers and show others how to gather customers."

15. It is NOT about YOU! Give that up and live your life for others. *You know this speaks volumes to me!  I truly believe the more you give, the more you get.

Now that you read this, go out and make a difference.

I'm always cheering you on!

Monday, April 9, 2012

No More Calling in Sick

YEAH - so thankful for a business I can run from my laptop... anywhere. Give me a computer and a telephone and I'm in business. What a week of illness at my house - last week, my little one was sick and today/tomorrow, my middle kiddo is out of school. I have wrote my appreciation in my Gratitude Journal that I am thankful that I didn't have to call anyone and 'ask for a sick day.' I am able to be mommy and business owner... I am in charge of my life...

If you are not in charge of your life, what can you do differently? What would a side business in network marketing provide you? Do your homework - there are so many companies. Find one that fits your personality and family needs.... Research the investment, the return, and the competition...  Find out: What is the commission rate? Can you earn a residual income with *just* customers? Do you need to team build to be successful?

I LOVE that our SendOutCards team gets that choice. Some of our SOC family are working "part-time" while still having an outside j-o-b.  I'm excited to see their progress.... For those who are just gathering customers, they are on their way to earning $2000/mo in residual income in a year. What would you do with $2000 a month?

And those that take their business to the next level and show others how to do the same thing are creating a legacy and a residual income for years and years to come. "The Future is Now" is our theme for convention - and I can't wait for the trip to Las Vegas, but I can't wait to see our team experience the trip. Amazing memories are waiting!!!

If SendOutCards has ever interest you for a business, take a look at the specifics on the business site.  Or if you want to try the sytem for a month or so, create an account thru this link.  With either option, you'll see what a difference you'll have in all your relationships!

If you are ready to join our SOC Family and Team, then message or call me. I will always be your biggest cheerleader.


Franchise vs. SOC

Hi Friends - I can't take credit for this information, but I felt it important to share.  The details from today's post is from an email from our SOC mentor, Jordan Adler.

"In this turbulent economy, one option to diversify would be to start a franchise. I personally think network marketing is a better option however just in case you're interested, here's some startup info. Keep in mind, it may take you 3-5 years to break even and you'll never experience residual income. You'll have to manage employees and do your own payroll and accounting. Don't forget, you'll have to sign leases and pay lawyers and franchise fees.

Before you sign up for one of these programs, you may want to consider that having a network marketing business requires none of this, has a residual component AND costs under $1000 to start (and by the way, the earning potential is significantly higher in network marketing).

So here are some options for you: 
1. Snap On Tools $135,390  # of locations 3,392
2. 7-Eleven $393,800  # of location 6,142
3. Aaron's $420,725 # of locations 1,749
4. Panera Bread $1,447,770 # of locations 1, 379
5. Servpro $156,250 # 1,571
6. McDonald's $1,480,625 # of locations 14,016
7. Liberty Tax Service $63,350 # of locations 3,592
8. Merry Maids $66,600 # of locations 943
9. The Maids Interntional $106,420 # of locations 1,053
10. Jimmy John's $395,500 # of locations 1,130

Please let me know if you need any more info on any of these opportunities. :) By the way, they are legally not allowed to tell you how much money you can make . . . but they have to tell you that you may lose all your money and that you probably won't break even for 3-5 years. "

Forget about the financial impact, instead take a look at your time freedoms... do you have it? Are you missing out on something or someone important in your life?  Anything worth having is worth time and love - where will you be in 3 to 5 years?  Probably the same place if you don't take the first step in a new direction.

These franchise have a huge range of investment cash, what if you could find the same opportunity with SendOutCards... for an investment of $295.  Check out the details on the business opportunity by clicking here.

Cheering you on! Shoot for the Moon -
Danielle & Family

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Unplug - 24 Hour Challenge

It’s Easter and our family has talked a lot about sacrifice with our preparation for Lent. As it comes to a close, I want you to consider all that has been sacrificed for you – in a deep, spiritual way and maybe in another manner. 
So as I challenge our family, I challenge you – For the next 24 hours to go UNPLUGGED.  Gasp!  I heard my husband too; he probably thinks I can’t do it.  Our family is unplugging today today, April 7th  at 6pm to Sunday, April 8th at 6 pm as our twenty-four hour period… decide what is best for you and what your limits will be.  We are unplugging everything – except for the phone. (We want to be able to talk to family for the holiday.)
Yep, to put it in writing, we are giving our family a break from all technology… the computer, iPad, smart phones (no cheating) to also avoid emails, Facebook, Twitter and some apps. In addition to these items, the kids are also unplugging and taking a 24 hour break from the Wii and Nintendo DS. This is about the part I start praying for good weather. J
And if for some reason you don’t think you can do 24 hours, then shoot for 12 – but make it meaningful for some daytime hours so you can change your focus and not run to your phone each time the text chime goes off or an email gets pushed.
Don’t think I don’t understand the torture of being without connection to the email and FB, but our family has always been my priority with my business and this is my 24 hours to prove to them that they will always be first – and for the kids to know they can ‘survive’ without their technology too.
In closing as you reflect on the sacrifices in religious or familiar stories, take this challenge. I’m going to bet you find the quality of time you have with your family heighten and the stress of feeling like you need to respond to the electronic world lessen.
From our family to you, Happy Easter!
Hugs, Danielle

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Living Life Now

Thanks for the compliments on the photos. I got a couple emails asking for the Video - so others could feel the moment and be there.... So click here and you'll see the video footage from my Skydive.

What I love the best from the experience was having my kids there - and in the video. I am blessed with an amazing husband who supports me in all my decisions and our children who inspire me as much as I inspire them.

Know your WHYs in life and you'll find a HOW. I will always share my gratitude to SendOutCards & Kody Bateman for what our 'little card busines' has afforded our family to do... the memories and legacy we are making compare to no other.

Always here to help you create your own SOC-cess and make a diffference in someone's life -starting with your own.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bucket List - Live for Today!

Hi Friends and Followers -

Today's entry is short & sweet... My life lesson after an afternoon of skydiving: LIVE FOR TODAY. Tomorrow... Some day... is not promised. I've experienced too many life lessons this year and regret actions I did not take w/ people I care about - and now because of different tragedies and losses, I know longer have that moment.

I tried to put some photos of my Sky Diving Adventure in a photo slide show: Click here to share in my adventure!

Never let anyone ground you from your dreams!
Hugs, Danielle

California Dave & Danielle at 13,500 feet and free-falling one minte @120 mph

Monday, March 12, 2012

2011 Milestones

What an amazing year! Don't take my word. Look at the stats provided by Jordan.

--Introduction of 'Big Cards'
--Introduction of 'Business Cards'
--Introduction of 'Video Cards'
--Introduction of Photo Store: photo books, calendars, canvas prints, posters, etc
--Introduction of 'Live Chat'
--Introduction of a massive customer acquisition program that has allowed us to collect double the number of customers in the last 6 months of 2011 than we had in the collective 7 year history of the company.

--Surpassed the 5 million card barrier for Dec alone!

--2012 numbers for January and February alone are already FAR exceeding numbers for 2011.
--Residual Checks are up 22% (Year over Year) and we are experiencing customer gathering numbers 5 times greater than the same time frame last year.
--Our distributor counts for January and February are also up almost 30%!

By the way, 15 million people are currently active in network marketing in the US alone. That means there are 320 million that are not . . . guess where the biggest opportunity lies? Oh . . . did I forget to tell you that plans are in the works to open 132 countries over the next few years?

Supporting our team has been exciting this year. Allow us to help you write your own story part-time with SOC while you have another j-o-b. You know our story, now write your own. Don't let another day go by - Shoot for the Moon!

Sincerely, Danielle & Tim

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jump Into Your Dream!

Many of you know I am a Gratitude Girl - and grateful for every blessing I have. One being life, walking, talking, freedoms of time & money. Since being part of SendOutCards, I've learned to put all my thoughts into I AM statements! It's a whole other mindset. My biggest I AM statement is: "I AM LIVING IN THE NOW!"

I am blessed with family, friends, business, laughter, and life. Tomorrow is not promised. This is not a mid-life crisis, but a celebration of life because I can. This past two years we've learned many life lessons from friends: illnesses/cancer, lives lost too soon because of illness or accident, regrets -

I am excited for life... I am excited for my family, my friends, our business, our team, our future... I truely want to live in the NOW - celebrating everything... today, not 'some day.'

So yes, I AM SKYDIVING and jumping from 13,500 feet on Friday, March 16th. I don't know who is more excited - me or the little boys excited to watch... the same little boys I am inspiring every day.

May my simple jump inspire and encourage to do something of your dreams too.
xoxo, Danielle

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Greeting Cards?

With our recent article in Be The Boss Magazine for Valentine's Day about couples working together, we've been answering one question since it was published.  The Question: Why Greeting Cards?

Well... our company, SendOutCards is super easy. With gas prices rising, you never have to leave home to send our cards. ;o) I love sending cards in my pajamas - I really think I'm a better friend. ♥

You create, we print, stuff, stamp and mail the cards/gifts for you.

And now SendOutCards has even more... there canvas prints, calenders, business cards, posters and photo-books that can be ordered. Have a wedding? We do that too!

 SendOutCards is growing exponentially. We are the most affordable in our industry. NO ONE can beat our prices and we have NO competition. Click here for a FREE gift account to try it or click here to see if the business opportunity fits you with no quotas, no home parties and no inventory. Basically we gather customers and show others how to do the same. ;o)

If the system fits you, welcome to the ease and affordabilty of card sending. If the business opportunity is what you want, let me be the first to say Congratulations! We will be here every step of the way as you shoot for the moon.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Got Accountability?

Not a big post today, but simple question and encouragement.  What are you doing for accountability for your business? Do you have an accountability partner? While your family is great support, I'd recommend an accountability partner outside of your family - the person can be, but doesn't have to be in your same business.

The accountability factor is just that... we do more when we know someone else is watching, monitoring or doing the same thing. Case in point - I did NOT want to go to the gym today. For some reason my to-do list seem never ending and I had a couple other excuses I could have pulled out instead of showing up for my hour session at the gym.  Why did I get there? Because the group of gals I work out would be there - and if they could be there, I could be there. It would have been so easy to skip, but because I knew these gals were counting on me, I was going to be there.

The same is for your business... Maybe you and your accountability partner swap data: phone calls, shows, opportunity, meetings/1-on-1s, demos, etc... whatever is specific to your company.  Just connect and start checking in with each other. It's great motivation, self-competition, and you WILL do something business related because you don't want to report "nothing."

How would a little extra effort change your business? For me, it is huge - I see it! When I'm on and working my business (for an incentive or self-motivation like a trip), it is completely different than the days that I just sit 'waiting for business' to come to me.  Work smarter, not harder, get an accountability partner, and give 30 extra minutes a day... you will be on FIRE!

Shoot for the Moon,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Fortune is in the THANK YOU!

We have our stories of new second-level customer referrals due to a thank yous to people swtiching companines because of simple appreciation to realtors and the commission of a $50 gift card. Take a minute to read this story from SOC mentor, Laurie Delk - too good not to share.

Don't overlook the power of a thank you!
Are you setting yourself apart from your competition? Here is a story that shows WHY SendOutCards is a TOOL EVERY BUSINESS PERSON needs.
The Vice President of a major national bank gave a... presentation to the owner of a business pitching for a $100,000 business loan. The VP knew she was at least 1 of 3, maybe 4, banks who had made presentations to this business owner in the past 2 weeks.

Immediately after returning to her office from the presentation she created a personalized “Thank You” card using SendOutCards. She knew she had to further separate herself & her bank from the competition... and wanted to make a lasting, professional impression.

The following week she received a phone call from the owner of the business telling her she had earned all his business: the $100,000 business loan plus the business' banking account and the owner’s personal banking accounts as well!

The owner told the VP of the bank that she was the only person who sent him a “Thank You” to express her appreciation for the opportunity & for meeting him. Professional and sincere treatment like this made him feel confident that she and her bank will provide him with the service his business needs.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#3 and Free!

Where does your home based business rank? SendOutCards is number 3 with over a 47% popularity growth...

Why? Because it's a feel good service that can change someones life...Won't you join us today in changing peoples life. Check out the opportunity and our story. Cheering you on to a new level of success this year.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

TGIT - Thank Goodness It's Today!

This weekend I had a great talk with a new team member who joined our Cards And Mohr team about his WHYs for wanting to start in business.  He had some great WHYs and we all know -if you know your WHY, you'll find the HOW...Well, he found us and SendOutCards.

In addition to his family and some other prominent WHYs, the one that he really was caught up on was how he was living for each Friday afternoon - and dreading each Monday morning.  That is a long week to go through waiting for one particular day.

What we told him and we'd tell you, is stick with that j-o-b for the next year as you build your new business in network marketing.  We will be the first ones to tell you, what a difference your goals and deadlines do for motivation...  Our SOC Friends and Network Marketing Expert, Eric Worre created this 8 minute post/video and I highly recommend you watch it. 

Eric has been with other companies and while other network marketing companies were trying to recruit him, he decided to be part of SOC without any incentive - heworks his business just as Tim & I do... and just as the next person on our team.  His video explains why network marketing is "better" than being employed.  And we agree 100%. It is so nice to be our own boss, but to also work at our pace and be paid or promoted based solely on our performance - we don't have to wait for someone else to promote (or die) to change roles.  We are building our legacy for our children one card at a time.

So instead of thinking "TGIF," think "TFIT..." That means, "Thank Goodness It's TODAY!" Live for the now, enjoy the now - don't wait for some day.  We all know some day is not promised.  If you are living  life and waiting for a certain day of the week to arrive like Friday, Satutday or Sunday - that is a sign.  Follow your "what if" and start feeling the excitement of those three days, every day of the year - there are 365 days (+1 this year) to enjoy.

We support our team with all our hearts, time and energy. We want the same freedoms in time and money to be their's.... we want it to be your's too.  If our company has ever been an interest to you -contact us at or through this blog.

Cheering you on!
Danielle & Tim

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Challenge: Two A Day

Have you fallen behind in business? Have you started out slower than you wanted? Take a quick peek at my morning video and do'two a day' to see a change in your business.... two a day will set your year up for fantastic opportunities.

Now, off to the gym!

Cheering you on every day, Danielle

Monday, January 16, 2012

Writing a Thank You Note 101

Grandma might not say anything to you, but she is probably disappointed how people today have lost their manners. I'm not here to step on a soapbox, but I do want to draw your attention to showing appreciation - to your family, friends and business acquaintances. I just found out that many adults are dropping the thank you notes... WHAT?!? And an email just won't do it!
Did you know that when you send a thank you note, that the gesture improves the frequency and quality of the gifts you receive. J People like being appreciated, and if they feel you actually notice the nice things they do for you, they’re more likely to give an encore performance. Wouldn’t you want a client/customer returning for service or product… or better yet, referring you to another client/customer? Of course!
Writing thank you notes are easier than you remember. Get yourself some stationary, note cards or a selection of postcards... or try sending notes with our card-sending tool, SendOutCards and add photos of the gift, event or person for a special touch.
I'm just a mom trying to keep the art of thank you notes alive for our children. I am not Miss Manners, but do belive in sending heartfelt cards... for thank yous and lots of other occasions.

Need help writing, just include these six steps:
1. Greet the Giver
2. Express Your Gratitude
3. Discuss Use of Item or Time You Had at Event
4. Mention the Past, Allude to the Future
5. Grace (say thanks again – it’s not overkill)
6. Regards

Sounds easy enough, right?!? Now get it in the mail. And remember, if trying to get to the store or post-office is your excuse for not sending thank you note, go to our site. You have no more excuses using SendOutCards and by sending notes of appreciation and kindness, we’ll help you change a life… one card at a time.
As always, thank you for following my blog and our Facebook page. We appreciate you! --Danielle

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Invest in Your Future

‎Did you know....
600,000 companies shut down in 2010. The numbers are not yet out for 2011, but included in those numbers will be 93 banks which combined closed 457 branches.

Out of those, I wonder how many people, both business owners and employees, were told about the opportunity to invest in Netflex, iTunes and Amazon, but turned it down.... choosing to stick with Blockbuster, Tower Records and Borders.

Why do I reflect on this?  Because our company, SendOutCards has already paid out $50 million in commissions... in less than 10 years.  You know about SOC because of our family, our team and/or others in the same busines, but I'd be willing to bet your next door neighbor has not heard of us.... yet.

Would you like to have a part?  

As a mom who started in direct sales (network marketing in 2003), I am in awe of the success our family has had in one year with SendOutCards.  In no disrespect to the other company that I spent eight years with, I never saw the commissions, leadership bonus or incentive trips that we have been blessed with this year.

Just don't take my word - watch the videos at our business site, message me for a magazine, or email us for other's stories. We don't want to leave anyone behind as we shoot for the moon - join us. You'll find that we are your biggest cheerleader and take great pride in seeing your success and circumstances change for your family.

In no way am I telling you to quit your j-o-b, but I would encourage you to look at SendOutCards as a Plan B... as another stream of income that you can easily do part-time until it replaces the income generated by j-o-b.  The freedoms in time and finances is an amazing feeling - may you see the potential and experience similar blessings.

All my best! --Danielle & Family