Friday, February 24, 2012

Got Accountability?

Not a big post today, but simple question and encouragement.  What are you doing for accountability for your business? Do you have an accountability partner? While your family is great support, I'd recommend an accountability partner outside of your family - the person can be, but doesn't have to be in your same business.

The accountability factor is just that... we do more when we know someone else is watching, monitoring or doing the same thing. Case in point - I did NOT want to go to the gym today. For some reason my to-do list seem never ending and I had a couple other excuses I could have pulled out instead of showing up for my hour session at the gym.  Why did I get there? Because the group of gals I work out would be there - and if they could be there, I could be there. It would have been so easy to skip, but because I knew these gals were counting on me, I was going to be there.

The same is for your business... Maybe you and your accountability partner swap data: phone calls, shows, opportunity, meetings/1-on-1s, demos, etc... whatever is specific to your company.  Just connect and start checking in with each other. It's great motivation, self-competition, and you WILL do something business related because you don't want to report "nothing."

How would a little extra effort change your business? For me, it is huge - I see it! When I'm on and working my business (for an incentive or self-motivation like a trip), it is completely different than the days that I just sit 'waiting for business' to come to me.  Work smarter, not harder, get an accountability partner, and give 30 extra minutes a day... you will be on FIRE!

Shoot for the Moon,

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