Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Life - It's for Rent

Wowzer. Our family has been on an emotional rollercoaster since July 5th when my Uncle, who is like a father-figure to me, went to the doctor's office with concern of some arm swelling. His doctor sent him to the ER concerned that my Uncle wasn't getting enough blood flow thru his carotid artery. While I won't document all the medical stuff, we went from thinking the July 5 visit would turn into the need for a carotid stent in his neck; however, we got more than we ever wanted to hear.

Initial tests showed numerous "spots on his spine, lungs, liver, kidney, and lymph nodes." Doctors were writing down "cancer everywhere.... possible small cell cancer... prognosis: 4-6 months...."  Honestly, I can't remember everything - my world was just turned upside down.

As my Uncle had more tests dones and I started to hang on to hope.  The kidney results came back and it is a cyst - it's the size of an orange, but a cyst. One slide of tissue cut for one of the above areas came back negative, but the doctor disagreed and asked for another section.  After almost a week in the hospital with all these tests, my Uncle was discharged home to wait for the results on new biopsies taken.

And that leads me to today, readmission in the hospital to conduct a PET scan. Still waiting on those results and a conversation with another oncologist this afternoon, but the worst of our fears have been confirmed... Stage IV cancer of lung and liver .  (Yes, my Uncle smoked 30 years ago; however, was not a drinker. I am not sure how that all relates, but I don't want there to be speculation.)

I guess I am sitting down to write because I don't know what else to do... yes, I'm praying and while I don't know God's Plan, I do trust Him. I guess I am writing because I don't want you to take life for granted... I don't want you to wait for tomorrow.... I don't want you to put off your dreams.... Now, I'm not saying you have to get all crazy and start checking off everything on your Bucket List, but maybe do the little things you put off....

Do something crazy with the kids... eat dessert first, have a water fight...
Cut your hair... color your hair... Maybe get that tatoo...
Call a Friend you haven't talked to in year... Call a Friend you are grateful for....
Pick flowers... Give away the flowers... Take time to smell the flowers
Even as supper is boiling over or the baby spit up, the dog is barking -
stop and take time to kiss your spouse good-bye
You know I did it, GO SKY-DIVING or something that scares you!

I can't write everything, but take a moment to think about what you would do if you got a grim diagnosis. What would you miss out on? Celebrate those people... those things today - tomorrow is not promised.... and just like when we lost our friend, Denai, I am reminded of that with all the heartache and tears our family has shed recently.

I am not giving up hope and I do believe in the power of prayer, but I also know the odds are against my Uncle. However, any of you reading this know he's a fighter since his vehicle accident at age 18 that eventually left him paraplegic. I guess I am just writing for myself (it's therapeutic and I get all my tears out) and I'm writing for you... PLEASE take time to celebrate the now. Our life is not our's... we don't know when our final tomorrow will be.... Tomorrow is not promised.

With sincere gratitude for you - in reading our blog and following our blog.  With appreciation for your kindness, love and support - as my readers, CardsAndMohr team, SendOutCards Family and as FRIENDS.  I do appreciate you! And I do enjoy celebrating you - may you pay-it-foward and celebrate someone else today... and you may do so for FREE on me at our website by clicking on the "Send a Free Card" icon.

Big, BIG hugs -

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Less Me, More WE

We all have heard "there is no /i/ in team since the age when you may have stareted sports. I am here to tell you there is no /me/ in business. To be successful in business with sales or team building, you need to focus on the WE!  What you can do as a team - for us, this rings true with our team buidling and the success of our team.

Those of you in network marketing or similar business understand that half your business is in sales and the other half is related to your team... and you'll see this as a reflection of your ability to coach, teach and mentor.

Some things for you to think about: What are you offering your team? Office hours? Emails? Training? Samples? Models? How does your personal business look like? As we have learned with our children, we get a better response / action when we "do what we say" ourselves and not just expect our children to do it without seeing us model or do the same action required.

I write the blog for many mompreneurs across the board (regardless of our companies), we are all trying to do the same juggle between business and family. IF you are part of our CardsAndMohr team, you will never see us ask you something that we are not willing to do ourselves.  And you'll find the same as you team build your own success unit and team.

Just keep striving to make a difference - not only for your family, but for your entire team. I will tell you, if feels great to meet personal goals and shower your family with abundance; however, there is something more powerful that feels FANTASTIC to celebrate your team doing the same... from that first sale, recruit, promotion, walk across a stage, etc.

We are always here to serve you. We just summed up the first half of 2012 - here is to your goals for the next six months. Shoot for the Moon!!!!  Sincerely, Danielle & Tim